
Stop. Then wiggle it!

I've been bouncing around all morning, an unleashed ball of energy. It's fantastic!
There's so much to do! I've got engineering assignments, lab reports, two exams to prepare for, laundry, this week's lunch to make and grocery shopping!


So, I reminded myself to STOP. 
Stop thinking about all the cray-cray crap that's gotta get done. Screw the deadlines. Forget about everyone who wants you to do them a favor. 

Take a minute to just do YOU!

Wiggle it! Dance it out! Read! Nap! Make a dessert! 
Whatever it is...make sure that you're doing it for you!

 I am always forgetting to put myself first. In fact, I've been putting off my workouts to get things done for friends and family. I decided to ride in the backseat. My wants, needs...I threw them out the damn window. 

Dear self, 

I'm sorry it took me so long to realize the error of my ways. But I'm back now, stronger than before and ready to get back to work. You are the most important thing in my life and I promise I will never let anything get in the way of you, again. 

Do you put yourself first?
If you're riding bitch, you need to make a change. Put yourself first, before you start helping someone else. You can't help them if you're out of whack. 

What are you doing for yourself today?

I'm working out, hard. It's time to bring the pain again and push past this plateau. 
Get strong, be fit, live happy. 

Love you.

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